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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Camp SEA Lab


Camp SEA Lab fosters lifelong excitement, scientific understanding, and stewardship of our coasts and oceans by providing high quality marine science education programs for youth in Monterey Bay.

The Big Idea

Camp SEA Lab is dedicated to helping children explore the wonders of the marine environment from the top of the watershed to the bottom of the deep sea as they gain a greater appreciation for what science can teach them about our world and the importance of being good stewards for the ocean.

We make science and learning exciting and fun, provide kids with life goals for how to incorporate the ocean, science, and learning into their lives, and connect them to the natural world physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Our programs are fee-based, so donations support lower costs, and allow us to provide scholarships so we can offer life-changing programs to all kids. That way we can break the barrier of what it is to be a scientist, and connect everyone to respecting and protecting our ocean environment.

[My daughter] looks forward to Camp SEA Lab each summer! She is excited to come home and share what she's learned each day. And she remembers the information and continues to talk about her experience well into the new school year!

- Jill Zande