Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
The mission of the Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA) is the
restoration and conservation of the federally threatened steelhead
on the Carmel River and its watershed. The primary goal is to
return the Carmel River watershed to as natural a state as possible so
that it will maintain an annual run of adult steelhead in excess of
2,000 fish.
Along with the DNA samples there will be Pit Tagging (Passive Integrated Transponder), so that we will be able to track fish into the future. Our significant achievements this year are our ability to run our own operations, including fish tagging, as part of CRSA obtaining a Scientific Collection Permit, and the purposed use of maintaining our equipment for said, and the purchase of newly obtained quality used equipment. In order to gain this status we have assisted in tagging and sampling on Cachagua Creek and the Carmel Lagoon in coordination with agencies and biologists.
The Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA) has been advocating for our river and its Steelhead for fifty years. The Esselen Tribe of Monterey County (ETMC) is working with CRSA in their combined efforts to restore the Carmel River and the animals that depend on it. The ancestors of the ETMC used this river and its bountiful gifts of water and food for centuries. It is a very important part of the overall health of these beautiful surroundings. It is through our efforts and those of our partners, like CRSA, that we are working to bring back a healthy environment to support what once was a thriving river with Steelhead populations in the thousands. These efforts and their ultimate successes can only happen with partners like CRSA, who have the time, the energy and the resources to make a difference in the rebuilding of our river's health. Tom Nason, Esselen Chief
- Tom "Little Bear" Nason