Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
Central Coast Overdose Prevention (CCODP) is a non-profit coalition focused on preventing drug-related fatalities, poisonings/overdoses and minimizing negative substance-related outcomes across Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey. Our mission is to increase awareness, reduce stigma, educate the public, improve community support services, and expand treatment options.
OSHN project is dedicated to eliminating drug-related deaths and assisting those who have endured the profound loss of a loved one to opioid overdose. This initiative includes two key efforts. The first, "Naloxone Now," seeks to enhance access to naloxone, medication that reverses opioid overdoses. Our goal is to provide easy access to this life-saving treatment by installing Boxes—akin to neighborhood libraries— stocked with naloxone in businesses and organizations across the county. These locations will be listed on CCODP's website for easy public access.
The second initiative supports CCODP’s parents, caregivers, and families support group, "Window for Awareness and Hope" (WoAH). This group holds monthly meetings to foster connections among members, offer grief support, and more. Losing a child to overdose is one of the most painful experiences imaginable. WoAH is creating a moon arch memorial within Monterey to symbolize those in who have been lost to this crisis.
Thank you for saving my life by giving me Narcan. You’ve given me a second chance, and now I am in treatment and have a job. This is why what you do matters. WOAH means to me support, community, awareness, hope and, most importantly, a voice. WOAH has been my life support after losing my son to a fentanyl overdose. This group has given me a voice through outreach and advocacy and has provided me with a strong support system amongst other mothers who have lost their children. I do not know if I would be here today without WOAH. -WoAH mom
- Mike/ WoAH mom U./