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Nov 14 - Dec 31, 2024

Coalition of Homeless Services Providers of Monterey and San Benito Counties


To eliminate homelessness in Monterey and San Benito Counties by promoting regional partnerships and interagency collaboration for a comprehensive system of housing for our diverse population.

The Big Idea

Coalition of Homeless Services Providers (CHSP) launched its 5-Year Lead Me Home (LMH) Plan to Reduce Homelessness in Monterey and San Benito Counties in 2021. This community collaboration-centered strategic plan aims to reduce homelessness in these regions by 50% by 2026.

Currently, CHSP is in the process of updating its Year 3 Action Plan, with the update on track for completion by fall 2024. The Lead Me Home Plan (LMHP) offers a strategic regional framework to ensure that all individuals in Monterey and San Benito Counties have access to decent, safe, and affordable housing, along with essential services and support to stabilize their lives

This opportunity has helped me be able to bring people together, all with a common goal in our minds. It has really helped my communication skills & enhanced my ability to socialize with others. I enjoy having the chance to collaborate with people in my community. Kiara, Marina California Youth with Lived Experience (YLE) Coordinator

- Kiara Joubert