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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Community Association of Big Sur (CABS)


Our shared mission is to protect and defend the rural and residential character, and to preserve the natural and aesthetic beauty of the Big Sur coast; to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the Big Sur Community; to encourage community service and otherwise act in the interests of the residents and property owners of Big Sur.

The Big Idea

Big Sur is no stranger to the effects of climate change, wild fires and road closures. This year alone, our community was significantly damaged by twelve atmospheric river events, closing Highway 1 indefinitely. In the last 15 years, Big Sur has experienced three times more wildfires than our historic average.

Big Sur is also a top global tourist destination. Increased visitation in the last 10 years has highlighted highway safety concerns and the lack of infrastructure for the traveling public.

The Community Association of Big Sur works with government, philanthropy and the private sector assisting our community to adapt to this new normal. We use our data driven programs to make the case for highway corridor improvements, effective economic disaster relief; to address food insecurity and community housing; and to implement fire adaptive strategies in our neighborhoods. When Big Sur thrives, Monterey, Big Sur and San Luis Obispo thrive!

I am writing to express my gratitude to CABS as a recipient of grants after the winter storms of 2023. I am a single mother with a nine-year-old daughter. We live with my parents on their property on Gorda Mountain and they are in their eighties. I was grateful to be able to stay here with them and support them and our ngihbors as a Wilderness Responder. Having the Big Share come bring us supplies, and the efforts of CABS with the resupplies, have all been very helpful in gettin gour basic needs met. Moreover, this gesture of kindness helped us feel that we are not forgotten on the wild coast. I just wanted to express my appreciation for all that CABS does for Big Sur residents and how much it has meant to me and my family during these challenging times. Thank you kindly,

- Jasmine Star Horan