Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
To train and support community volunteers who advocate for abused or neglected children placed in foster care, upholding the children’s rights while pursuing a safe and permanent home.
Child abuse and neglect remains a persistent and tragic reality in our local communities. Children in foster care have experienced traumatic situations and therefore been separated from family and everything familiar to them through no fault of their own. The primary goal of CASA of Monterey County is to ensure that these children and youth have a trained adult that they can trust to help them navigate the foster care system, find a safe, permanent home, receive much-needed services, and begin a new journey of healing. In addition, we also serve youth in juvenile justice.
Children with a CASA typically spend on average 7.5 months less in the foster care system, showing the impact of our work, and the need for CASA volunteers. Our goal is to serve 100% of children and youth in foster care in Monterey County, helping them all to achieve stability in their lives more quickly.
CASA literally changes young lives for the better. Our CASA volunteers advocate for abused and/or neglected children and youth in foster care and are often the one consistent, stable adult in a child’s life, advocating, supporting and empowering them throughout their journey to a safe and permanent home. I am honored to serve on CASA's Board of Directors and deeply committed to CASA's mission.
- Dina Ruiz