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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Food Bank for Monterey County


Our mission is “to lead community efforts in the awareness and elimination of hunger in Monterey County” by providing fresh produce and other meaningful nourishment that assuage hunger and address nutritional concerns.

The Big Idea

Transporting locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables presented in a welcoming market style setting and serving healthy hot meals, our Mobile Produce Truck and Food Truck can visit multiple locations in one trip. We currently serve over 1 in 4 residents and 1 in 3 children and most of our clients live in food desert areas and lack transportation. Our trucks literally meet them where they are-schools, worksites, housing complexes, and other accessible sites-and take place at convenient times, including evenings and weekends. In addition to filling in nutrition gaps in areas with limited or no food resources, this versatile distribution model features culturally sensitive foods and affirms the agency and dignity of our clients by providing free choice. We stock our truck with produce grown by first-gen farmers from disadvantaged communities. These farmers are utilizing our resources-land, refrigerated vehicles, and other equipment-to launch their businesses and achieve self-sufficiency.

“The food bank gives us healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, so I don't have to eat as much of the starchy foods like I used to. The extra help has made my diabetes much easier to manage. My health has really improved."

- Nora P.