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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Gateway Center of Monterey County


At Gateway Center of Monterey County, we serve adults with Developmental Disabilities. We fully support their individual rights and choices, and empower them to live full and productive lives with dignity and independence within the community.

The Big Idea

Whether that’s through helping them build social skills in extracurricular activities like art classes or helping them integrate into the community as active members of society through pre-vocational experiences, or helping them enroll in College courses, and going on community field trips, we’re showing young adults with developmental disabilities the way. It’s a Path to Possibilities! It’s a Path to self- sufficiency and independent living. Gateway Center of Monterey County is seeking to expand its WOW program to Salinas and Monterey.
And we need your help to do it!

My big brother Paul has been a client of Gateway Center for over 45 years. Throughout those years, Gateway Center of Monterey County has consistently provided him with a safe, secure caring homelike environment. Because of his autism, Paul needs stability and predictability in his daily life. Gateway Center has always provided that for him. They do this by maintaining high quality care standards with loving staff who are always there to help him with his daily living needs in his residence. They also provide him with stimulating activities out in the community in his day program. Gateway is very client centered. Every day, the staff works hard to provide all clients with maximum choices in the least restrictive environment practical. Gateway Center recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. It is a wonderful, well managed organization that will be here far into the future.

- Jim Landman