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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Gathering for Women - Monterey


Our mission is to provide homeless women on the Monterey Peninsula supportive resources and a caring community.

The Big Idea

Lack of transportation, and difficulty navigating confusing insurance regulations keep homeless women from accessing basic preventative care resulting in costly emergency room care while they rapidly deteriorate. Housing insecure women often choose to forgo regular health or dental screenings to pay for food or housing. This lack of preventative care results in increased emergency room visits, longer stays, and increased mortality rates. GFW is growing our current services to include regular and easy access to basic health and dental care. Currently, guests receive nutritious meals, hot showers, clean clothing, and access to enrichment programs. It is critical we continue to ensure their basic needs are met, while addressing the underlying causes of homelessness and housing insecurity. We aim to treat the whole person through the physical, behavioral, emotional, and social services required to improve health and well-being which will better enable them to find and keep a home.

"Words cannot express how grateful I am for all the resources you provide for me and this community. You are now part of my story of success. Thank you x INFINITY."

- Anonymous Guest