Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
To inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold™ and to respect themselves and the world around them.
8th grade program: Empowers grade girls to communicate assertively, and stand up for themselves. They gain information about their bodies and health, explore personal values and their importance in decision-making, learn they can replace myths with facts, how to be careful when posting on social media, and understand the risks in vaping, smoking, and drinking. They identify healthy vs. unhealthy relationships and learn that self-love and self-care are vital to good mental health.
7th grade program: Girls learn to recognize and resist pressures from peers, advertisers, and others to use tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. Girls participate in 12 sessions that cover unhealthy substances on the body, how peer and media pressures influence behavior, effective communication skills, stress management, and combatting bullying. The girls develop leadership and public speaking skills preparing them to take more active leadership roles on these topics to 4th & 5th grade girls in Elementary School.
I chose to be in Girls Inc. because it sounded like so much fun. I enjoyed all the activities and EVERYTHING we did in the program. I learned what tobacco is, bullying, set goals for myself, stress and how to handle the tough situations in my life, and even more important, I learned that I am a role model. I was able to take each lesson, learn from it and understand that I choose what is best for me. I am more confident; I am more outspoken and feel comfortable speaking up for myself and others. Because of Girls Inc. I know I can reach my goals and do anything I want!
- Isabella Rivas