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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Hands to Help Seniors, Inc.


Our mission is to assist homebound, physically challenged senior citizens with limited financial means. We strive to help seniors and the disabled to stay in their home as long as practically possible and to live longer, healthier, higher quality lives. We do this by facilitating the provision of and subsidizing the cost of dental and medical bills, funding for permanent housing and home maintenance. We also provide education and access to resources that will allow such senior citizens to identify and use related programs and services to obtain assistance needed to allow them to stay in their home.

The Big Idea

Our funding is used to help the disabled and senior citizens with a one-time unexpected financial expense. Rent is our biggest demand, but we also help with medical and dental bills, past due utility bills, home maintenance and a number of other issues. Our first client went into the hospital and they lost her dentures but refused to admit it. She was discharged with no teeth. She lost a huge amount of weight because she couldn't chew. We were able to provide funding for new dentures. We have helped many, many seniors who were facing being homeless either with paying their past due rent or with paying first and last months rent for a new apartment if they are being evicted. Rents in Monterey County have become astronomical and low-income housing is very scarce.

There are no words to express my extreme gratitude for your helping hand. Thank you only begins to cover it. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

- Natalie Defiebre