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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Harmony At Home


Harmony At Home's mission is to end the cycles of violence and abuse by empowering children and young adults with the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead healthy and productive lives.

The Big Idea

Harmony At Home’s Family First offers targeted support for 13-25-year-olds who have become parents before having the opportunity to finish school or acquire their GED.

We provide a home visiting Case Advocate (parent educator and much more), peer support groups, and family bonding activities. We also supplement essentials for the infant's needs (diapers, wipes, formula).

During home visits, our Case Advocates:

● Promote healthy pregnancy practices;
● Offer parenting information to keep infants healthy and safe;
● Encourage early learning to promote language development;
● Provide guidance on positive parenting for healthy parent-child bonds;
● Follow up on child wellness visits and developmental screenings;
● Facilitate connections to other essential resources that benefit the family.

Even more, Family First partners with young families to earn a high school diploma and pursue secondary education or a certificate to break cycles of poverty and unlock a brighter future for the entire family

It was difficult, to begin with, but I saw myself growing within to be a better parent for my daughter. It is scary and very emotional but very rewarding. I faced people doubting me and questioning my ability to be a parent, to be a present parent. The support is having the right people guide me and giving me the right tools I need to succeed and thrive. A support system is something many young fathers could use. Being in a situation like this and being alone takes a toll on your mental health. I wouldn’t think twice about joining because having the resources and help I need to provide for my daughter and move forward in life, it’s a great chance for a lot of fathers.

- Confidential Confidential