Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
Health Projects Center supports people as they age to live safely at home by delivering high-quality services and programs in the Monterey Bay Region.
Caregiving is an act of immense love and dedication, but it often comes at a high cost. The journey is physically exhausting, emotionally overwhelming, and financially burdensome. Imagine the relentless toll on those who give their all, only to face burnout, isolation, and the neglect of their health. Family caregivers are twice as likely to suffer from chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis compared to non-caregivers. The need for temporary relief, known as respite, is not just important—it's essential. It provides a lifeline, preventing caregiver exhaustion and ensuring the quality of care remains high. Family caregivers often dedicate over 40 hours a week to caregiving, all while juggling full-time jobs and other family responsibilities. Your donation can make a difference, offering these selfless individuals the respite they desperately need. Please help us support the unsung heroes who give so much of themselves, day in and day out.
There comes a time when you know that it’s just more attention than you can pay to another person. I felt quite overwhelmed and I sought out resources in my community and someone had mentioned [HPC]. I called them and I had an intake interview, and the person was wonderful. They asked me tons of questions that I had never thought of. The [HPC] people were so steady and always there and I loved that. I needed that. I didn’t even know I needed it till I started getting it.
- Anonymous Client