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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Housing for Kids


Find and implement sustainable solutions to housing insecurity.

Our goal is to lower the number of students without homes in Monterey County public schools.

The Big Idea

Over 10,000 students in Monterey County are homeless. Our local school districts use the federal definition that includes those living in cars, shelters, hotels or motels or in substandard dwellings with multiple families. Homeless students have a 21% increased likelihood that they won’t graduate from high school, and those without a high school diploma are 4.5 times more likely to become homeless as adults. We want to support these youngsters and their families in finding permanent homes by creating more affordable housing, providing funds to support rapid rehousing, raising public awareness of this disturbing issue and supporting organizations working to serve this largely unrecognized segment of the homeless population. Homelessness has a well-documented negative impact on the academic performance and social development of these students. If we don’t help them now, we will pay later when they grow up without the skills to become functional adults.

I have been volunteering with Housing for Kids for over year. The group is comprised of leaders with a high level of skills in a variety of areas including education, architecture, real estate, construction, media, medicine, nonprofits and much more. With each meeting I learn so much about group communication, collaboration, relationship building. There is always a lot of progress to report on, with each of the members actively making it happen. I feel hopeful about the progress we’ve made and inspired by the opportunities to participate in the awareness campaign. The group is very organized and experienced, and we have fun in our meetings while getting work done. I cannot wait to see what’s ahead, as our membership keeps growing. I know we are going to make a huge impact, and I feel excited to be a part of this group and to create positive change in our community.

- Elizabeth O'Malley