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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Housing Resource Center (HRC)


The mission of the Housing Resource Center (HRC) of Monterey County is to provide a continuum of housing resources for homeless prevention and affordable housing opportunities.

The Big Idea

HRC's Landlord Gold Standard (LGS) has helped provide landlord support and collaboration, as we provide housing services to those unhoused in Monterey County. Our LGS will continue to provide:1) a $1,000 new landlord incentive; 2) up to $2,000 for unit repairs needed to pass a Housing Authority inspection; 3) up to $2,000 for any rental arrears left by a former tenant prior to HRC's client moving in and 4) a $50 incentive bonus to an existing landlord for a successful landlord referral (successful housing placement) between a new landlord and HRC. These funds will also allow for an annual landlord appreciation event. HRC believes this type of financial service empowers our staff to make positive relationships with our community’s landlords and reflects HRC’s commitment to improve our community's housing crisis by increasing housing for the non-housed and improving the quality of housing provided through funded unit repairs.

I would like you to know how much the HRC program has changed mine and my family's life for the better. Coming into the program I was very unsure I was going to find housing. HRC had made it their job to assist me into getting a place that my family and I could call home.Without the financial assistance from the program, I would have not found a place. With the help of HRC I was able to get stable closer to home. This is very important to me because now I'm reunited with my family. HRC helped my family not once but TWICE and not just financially but physically as in showing up and talking with landlords and speaking on my family's behalf. I have no doubt in my mind that if it wasn't for HRC my family and I would be homeless and struggling.

- B. G.