The Junior League of Monterey County, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
The Junior League of Monterey County, Inc. (JLMC) has trained volunteers for over 50 years and many continue their work throughout Monterey County. Training volunteers to be leaders and advocates is one of our biggest accomplishments and core to our mission. As one of hundreds of chapters across the world, we belong to the Association of Junior League International (AJLI) which offers resources, workshops, trainings, and professional development.
Our Big Idea is to engage high quality, talented experts that understand the Junior League model to grow our membership so we can continue to deploy skilled volunteers throughout our community. JLMC has established the following priorities:
• Develop a Marketing and Outreach plan to increase community awareness of the Junior League of Monterey County through targeted marketing efforts.
• Increase membership by 30% in the next year through, focusing on regional recruitment efforts and growing our community impact.
I learned about the Junior League through a friend who’d recently joined, so I attended a social where everyone was so friendly it made it easy to sign up. Throughout my “new member” year I was supported by dozens of successful and confident women who had a mutual goal of being a part of larger community events and impact. Recently, I agreed to join the board and step into those leadership shoes; creating a safe space for fellow members, building confidence all while making positive change in my community.
- Jessica McKillip