Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
SERVE as a watchdog to address issues affecting the character, culture, and natural beauty of the Big Sur Coast.
PRESERVE the protections of Big Sur’s natural beauty and the public’s access to see it, provided in Big Sur Land Use Plan.
EDUCATE the broader community of the uniqueness and fragility of the Big Sur coast.
We are a small nonprofit dedicated to defending the Big Sur Land Use Plan. Over 40 years, this plan has governed land use on the Big Sur Coast, preserving its unspoiled rustic character. while protecting public access to the scenic highway. Monterey County is redoing the Big Sur Land Use plan. Unfortunately, commercial interests are actively involved, and threaten to bring chaos and degradation to Big Sur.
The Big Sur Coast is experiencing serious overcrowding, congestion, and public safety issue.
We are attempting to create continued durable protections for land/water and public. While we have many projects to keep Big Sur preserved, we are primarily trying to keep access to Big Sur open to disadvantaged communities and not just those that have wealth.
Success for Keep Big Sur Wild means ensuring equitable access to outdoor spaces for historically underrepresented communities by preventing the County of Monterey from changing the Big Sur Land Use Plan to designate expensive “glamping sites” as campsites, thereby preserving campsite availability for these groups and conserving an additional 5,000 acres of pristine land, safeguarding 20 miles of rivers, preserving public access areas, and ensuring equitable access to outdoor spaces.
Keep Big Sur Wild, a small nonprofit, has significantly impacted Big Sur by preserving its landscape, public access, ecological health, visual beauty, and historic resources. They have protected historic bridges from modernization and are committed to a Land Use Plan that ensures Big Sur’s beauty and access for underserved communities. The dedicated board and staff are assisting the County with a draft Land Use Plan containing protective policies. Their efforts include educating landowners on invasive plant removal, organizing volunteer trash removal days, protecting the soundscape, and monitoring illegal events and rentals. This ensures a wonderful experience for residents and visitors on Highway 1. Recognized in local and regional news, Keep Big Sur Wild raises awareness about the threats of commercialization. Last year’s funds from the McGives program were crucial for their operations, as the organization relies entirely on donations. Community support is vital for their continued work.
- Christine McGinnis