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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Keep Big Sur Wild


SERVE as a watchdog to address issues affecting the Big Sur Coast.
PRESERVE the protections of Big Sur’s natural beauty provided in the 1986 certified Big Sur Land Use Plan.
EDUCATE the broader community of the uniqueness and fragility of Big Sur.
ENHANCE the current protections by seeking action to assure the preservation, in perpetuity, of its wilderness character and environmental integrity.

The Big Idea

Keep Big Sur Wild exists as a watchdog to protect against developmental pressures to push aside the Big Sur Land Use Plan and open Big Sur to development. Unfortunately, many in charge of governing land use do not respect the historic efforts undertaken to protect Big Sur's unique character and landscape, threatening the ongoing preservation of this beautiful Coast.

Keep Big Sur Wild was started two years ago to defend the protective policies of the Big Sur Land Use Plan legally and publicly. We utilize highly regarded legal counsel, land use experts and other professionals and are engaged in a number of significant issues to protect the Big Sur Coast.

Keep Big Sur Wild seeks preserve for posterity the incomparable beauty of Big Sur, its natural resources, landforms, and seascapes. To this end, all development must harmonize with and be subordinate to the wild and natural character of the land.

Keep Big Sur Wild is working with State Parks to try and clean up the pampass grass that negatively impacts Big Sur. They have taken classes in how to eradicate pampas grass. They have also produced leaflets to educate the community.

- Marcos Ortega