Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
To cultivate healthy intergenerational leadership by practicing cultural healing, reaffirming land stewardship, and embracing the Future.
MILPA is seeking to develop an intergenerational leadership program that bridges the link between racial justice advocacy, environmental justice practices and traditional ecological knowledge. This project would allow MILPA to create programming that interlinks interpersonal healing and earth based connectivity. Our project would center education in sustainability practices, foster traditional ecological knowledge, and provide access to nature.
With your donation, MILPA would recruit, engage, and train young people in this emergent work to develop a relationship with the land, work towards land based healing while helping youth think about a healthy FUTURE. MILPA is qualified to provide and promote these supplemental pathways towards land based healing. Our expertise in facilitating cultural healing, leadership, and advocacy with youth serves us well. As such, MILPA is uniquely positioned to respond to the urgent and emerging issues impacting our communities living in and around Monterey County and beyond.
I love to express myself and this event allowed a safe and family friendly environment, thank you MILPA - 9 year old Salinas community member
- Salinas Community Member