Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
The Fire Safe Council For Monterey County's mission is to help protect lives, property and resources from the threat of wildfire.
Monterey County has unique risks affecting everyone living in our county. Risks include:
• Numerous communities are in or near wildland areas— known as the Wildland-Urban Interface—these areas are more susceptible to the rapid spread of wildfires from nearby vegetation.
• Drought conditions and dry vegetation during the hot summer months can increase the risk of fire ignition and rapid fire spread.
• Climate change, which has contributed to prolonged droughts, higher temperatures, and more frequent and intense wildfires in California.
• Overgrown and unmanaged vegetation in rural and urban areas can create fuel continuity, allowing fires to spread more easily.
• Residential areas and communities near wildlands increase the potential for human and property exposure to wildfires.
• Coastal communities and narrow roads in certain areas of Monterey County can pose challenges during wildfire evacuations, especially if there is limited time to evacuate residents safely.
In 2023 our Firewise community received a grant from PG&E to do fuel reduction at the entrance to our residences. The result inspired me to undertake some significant clearance along my own section of roadside. I worked with my gardeners to cut back dead brush, significantly limb up the pines and create a clean understory near the road. The result of this effort should be a much safer passageway for anyone during an emergency. And it looks really good too! Our HOA Board also felt inspired to continue with the progress the PG&E Grant started. Our community is asking ALL homeowners to reduce the fuel load along their portion of the road. To support that effort, the Board has agreed to fund a Chipper Day later this year. We are so grateful to the FSCMC and PG&E for making our community safer for everyone (and wildlife too).
- Judy Tschirgi