Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
To create community through the joy of learning and sharing choral music.
Each year Monterey Peninsula Voices produces two seasons of themed concerts. In Spring 2025 we plan to focus on choral music from various cultures. Our spring concert plans to be a vibrant celebration of the rich diversity that distinguishes the Monterey Peninsula. By the careful curation of pieces from different cultures, we aim to honor and highlight the uniqueness of our multicultural community, creating a musical "Mosaic."
Recent MPV themes have included "CommUnity," showcasing local dance troops and artists throughout the Monterey Peninsula, and "Stronger Together," a multi-generational theme highlighting our area's youth singers. In Spring 2024 MPV brought back nostalgic "good vibes" of a High School Prom by performing hit dance tunes of the 1950s through 2000. The enthusiastic audience joined in dancing and singing with the choir!
We look forward to engaging our community once again as we celebrate its rich diverse cultures in "Mosaic."
I rediscovered the joys of singing later in life. As with many members of our choir, my participation in choral music was put aside during career and family-raising years. When I joined MPV, my skills were rusty, but I felt welcomed and encouraged to share in a community of song and friendship. MPV has been my choral home for over 20 years, and I am grateful for each new season.
- Sandra Weaver