Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
Our Mission is to support interpretation, educational programs, and special events at Monterey State Historic Park in Monterey. The association also assists CA State Parks by raising funds and increasing public awareness. We strive to restore and preserve the historic buildings and cultural heritage of Monterey so that all may experience this special place.
The Sherman Quarters Adobe is a significant structure that predates California Statehood. It was where the future Civil War General, William Tecumseh Sherman, lived in the late 1840s while he was acting as the chief administrator to the governor of California. The roof of the nearly 200-year-old structure has deteriorated to the point that we can no longer allow the public into the building. Repairing the roof would not only protect the building from harm but would also have the benefit of restoring public access to this important adobe. Access would be available to the public via tours and our annual Christmas in the Adobes event which takes place every December.
My son has absolutely loved his experience at the Los Exploradores camp at the Monterey State Historic Park, so much so that he has participated three years in a row! Attending annual events like Christmas in the Adobes has become a cherished tradition for our family. We are so grateful to have these treasures of not just our local history but California history right in our own backyard, accessible for everyone to enjoy. The park’s programs and events truly bring history to life in a way that is both educational and fun for all ages.
- Chiara Burr