Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
The Monterey Peninsula College Foundation creates opportunities for students and enhances the learning environment at MPC by fundraising and friend raising.
The MPC Foundation ensures equal access to higher education by helping promising students overcome obstacles and build a brighter future for themselves and their families. More than 400 students receive financial support and mentorship from the Foundation each year through scholarships, internships, textbooks/instructional supplies, and emergency assistance for those facing unexpected hardships. Scholarship awards help students thrive and achieve their aspirations, providing financial support and a vital boost of encouragement. Internships supported by the Foundation provide opportunities for students to clarify career goals, build professional networks, gain valuable skills and experience, and ultimately lead to job placement. The Foundation’s Evans College Incentive Program transforms the lives of local high school students with college-going potential who are facing extremely difficult life circumstances. Students are welcomed to MPC, where they receive ongoing guidance, academic counseling, and financial support with additional incentives that lead to graduation and transfer to four-year colleges and universities.
I will be forever grateful for the opportunities my scholarship and internship through the MPC Foundation provided me. I realized that Computer Science is more than just writing lines of code, it is a discipline that develops my way of thinking in order to solve problems. I was accepted to UC Berkeley and Stanford University, and I genuinely think I wouldn't have gotten into those good schools if it wasn't for my internship at the Foundation. I don't even think there is a way to repay what the Foundation has given me; but I hope somehow and some way I can make it up in the future. I am transferring to Stanford this fall to study Computer Science and I will always be grateful for my time at the MPC Foundation!
- Fauzan Rahman