NCBI MC brings together across group lines including race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, and class. We provide training and education in schools and the community to increase understanding, promote acceptance, and reduce prejudice. We collaborate with public and private organizations to nurture leadership for social justice and provide opportunities for healing from the impact of oppression.
Due to incidents of racism, homophobia, anti-semitism and other forms of discrimination that have occurred in Monterey County and in local schools, we are building upon NCBI’s successful CommUNITY Conversations. Students, families, and community members need a forum to respond to and determine actions to combat inequity, discrimination, and intolerance. NCBI will host forums to address racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and all forms of oppression and inequities occurring in our schools and community. CommUNITY Conversations will ensure there is a safe place to heal from fear, anger and grief, giving participants an opportunity to be heard. Breakout sessions will provide participants an opportunity to share the experiences of oppression of their affinity group such as LGBTQ+ youth and students of color. CommUNITY Conversations expand the understanding of key social justice issues, help participants heal from the impact of oppression, and strengthen leadership for a more equitable and inclusive community.
Over a 10-year period, I witnessed over 60+ workshops conducted by NCBI for high school students in Monterey County, using the NCBI model and principles. As a staff person myself at the school, it was apparent that these dramatically shifted campus culture for the positive. As an outcome, workshops empowered students and also offered skills for how to be an ally to each other. In a follow-up student evaluation form, one student commented how these workshops were so effective: "I liked how enthusiastic they [student leaders] were. This is the best presentation this year so far because they found an interesting and entertaining way to include us, the audience." I have also participated in several NCBI workshops myself as an adult. The facilitators are the most passionate, dedicated and skillful leaders. NCBI is a fantastic resource for any community that wants to build bridges. I highly recommend their work.
- Valerie Stack