Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
All families in Monterey County benefit from equitable access to resources that reduce stigma, eliminate barriers, and provide support towards building positive parent-child interaction and family wellness through education and programming from pregnancy to age five. When caregivers are effectively supported, families thrive and children flourish.
Peer to Peer, community based, culturally and linguistically congruent support has been shown time and time again to be the most effective way to support our the birth givers and new parents in our community. For the past year PCMC has partnered with Las Mamas de Salinas Abogan to train and support community based Peer to Peer Support Specialists who are using evidence based interventions to hold support circles for the families in their communities. The impact has been profound- in the first month alone over fifty families from Castroville to Soledad were served. With this year's McGives funding we are aiming to expand this model by training more Peer to Peer Specialists and continuing to empower our community to support their friends and neighbors. The funds will provide paid training, supplies, and stipends in order to fully honor their time and commitment in this important work.
Estoy encantada de ser parte del grupo de especialistas de PCMC. Es un honor conectar con familias y lograr hacer un día grandioso y positivo I am delighted to be a part of the group of specialists at PCMC. It is an honor to connect with families and be able to create a great and positive experience.
- Norma Horton