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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association


Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association (PBJG) is dedicated to introducing the game of golf to local youth ages 6 years to 17 years through quality instruction, etiquette, rules of the game, and competitive tournament play in a supportive environment. Our clinics, summer lessons, and year-round tournaments are offered at a variety of local golf courses. We not only provide the skills needed to excel on the course, but also the personal skills that extend far beyond the game and become foundational for future success in school, business, and life. We merge athletic and academic achievement through our annual scholarship program to help qualified graduating seniors pursue their college dreams.
Our goal is to remove all barriers that prevent children access to playing golf. Offering free beginner clinics removes at least the financial barrier. These clinics also provide easy accessibility meaning children can learn to play without their families belonging to a private club. If participants want to learn more about golf, they are encouraged to join PBJG and participate in our small group clinics and tournaments. All programs are offered at reduced fees and no one is turned away. As members progress through the various levels of instruction, they are introduced to tournament play and course etiquette. Ideally, children follow a continuous pathway through high school culminating with the availability of college scholarships.
Whether playing for fun or enjoying tournament competition, children come together in a healthy outdoor environment. Families can spend an afternoon together while learning the values inherent with the game golf. The diversity found on a golf course opens young golfers to a broader view of the world and all people.

The Big Idea

PBJG is raising funds to introduce the game of golf to children by offering free beginner golf clinics. Clinics are taught by local pros at courses around Monterey Bay. Golf clubs, snacks, and tee prizes are provided. Participants rotate among the various teaching stations to learn putting, chipping, and course management.
By removing financial barriers, a more diverse population can learn to play golf and possibly develop a lifelong passion for the sport. Golf can improve a child's physical health, strength, and endurance. The game emphasizes integrity, honesty, perseverance, and respect for oneself and others. Mental skills and problem-solving abilities are improved. Golf often involves playing in pairs and small groups which fosters teamwork and collaboration skills. Creating an awareness of the benefits of golf can have a transformative impact on the lives of our local children. Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association is committed to making that happen.

I have been playing in PBJG tournaments since I was 7 years old. Competing with other female golfers has allowed me to grow tremendously. Usually, I was paired up randomly with girls I did not know. When I was younger, I struggled with this concept. But as I continued to compete in these tournaments, I learned how to effectively interact with these girls, often creating life-long friendships. Another way Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association has challenged me is through learning proper sportsmanship in competition. Strengthening this skill has been difficult but rewarding. As I competed in these tournaments, I experienced finishing in both first place and last place countless times. But as a take-away, I learned the importance of being a good sport on and off the course, win or lose. Without Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association, I would not be person that I am today.

- Sophie Southard