Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
RJP, Inc. works with those affected by conflict, providing support and education to encourage accountability, empathy, and reparation.
Restorative Justice Partners, Inc. dreams BIG by hosting multiple community engagement events. Monterey County locals will be invited to learn more about how to advocate for and infuse restorative justice solutions throughout Monterey County.
RJP, Inc. events will focus on the benefits of restorative justice, challenges, solutions and lift up community members' knowledge to inform best practices. The goal is to inspire people toward better relationships in order to resolve conflicts within their own community while exercising empathic accountability through empowered leadership. Community engagement events will introduce methods of system transformation as well as personalized conflict resolution skills that could last a lifetime!
We are honored to dedicate ourselves to the work of restorative justice, transforming systems and lives. Thank you for supporting the team to cultivate community restorative justice practitioners to grow justice that heals.
Restorative Justice means restoring some things that may have been broken or damaged due to a crime, such as trust, [restorative justice means] the ability to forgive, a sense of security and making things right…This class was a real eye opener and has definitely changed my perspective. Keep up the good work and thank you for this information.
- Class participant, anonymous due to confidentiality