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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Salinas Area Reading Is Fundamental


Our mission is to provide our approximately 12,500 pre- school to sixth grade students with the opportunity to choose three free books a year, books they may take home, read, and keep forever.
We do this as research proves books in the home leads to greater literacy. Children who select their own books are more likely to read the books and our surveys prove it is true!

The Big Idea

At approximately 30 Title I preschool and elementary school sites, children will choose three books this year. A volunteer board raises funds, buys books according to school site grade level needs. Schools contribute $1 per student. Volunteers from each site come to our book facility (donated by a school district) and pick up our books to bring to schools. Schools hold "RIF" days where children select their free books. We serve students in Salinas and North Monterey County, including Castroville. All schools are Title I schools, with students from low income families. We are an all volunteer organization, no payroll, no rent.

Ba Tang, Regional Director of US Bank in Monterey, recalls having RIF Books at Roosevelt School. He said his family was poor and he was encouraged to "read, read, read" by his parents and he enjoyed choosing free , RIF books.

- Ba Tang