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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Soledad Community Health Care District Foundation


To support the goals and values of the Soledad Community Health Care District.

The Big Idea

We offer these perinatal education classes that are designed to meet the needs of our underserved mothers-to-be. They include diet & nutrition, breastfeeding education/support, labor & delivery preparedness and psycho-social assessments. After completion, these patients receive newborn baby essentials, they are also given a diaper bag and stroller. We provide this and many other services at our Women's Health Center because the women in our community deserve it.

"I would like to say thank you to the Soledad Community Health Care District Foundation. After working in Soledad for 2 years and seeing 20 OB/GYN patients in one day, I am feeling very grateful. I feel the mission ignites something deep inside that makes me feel that I am doing work that has purpose and was meant for me. Working at the Women's Health Center shows me the impact we make on so many people."

- Peter Chandler, MD