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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

The Blind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County


Our mission is to empower the blind and visually impaired toward independent living through education, support services and skills training.

The Big Idea

The Blind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County, a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency incorporated in 1971, is seeking donations to continue to expand our outreach efforts in Salinas and South Monterey County. In the last two years, the Blind and Visually Impaired Center has opened a second location in Salinas at part of Alliance on Aging HUB project, as well as partnered with Hartnell College at the Soledad Education Center to host support groups. Now, as our demand has increased, we are looking for a semi-permanent location in either Soledad or Greenfield to best assist the under-served communities from Gonzales to Bradley. With your generous donations, we can create the needed facility to help those in Monterey County with low vision needs, either free or at a reduced rate, to ensure their remaining vision is enhanced and preserved.

From the very start of contacting your Center, to the excellent care I received during my visit, and to the personalized guidance in helping me choose the right tools, I have felt cared for, valued, and respected by everyone I've met there. My initial phone contact with Marisa was extremely friendly, kind, and informative. My subsequent meetings at the site with Dr. Wendt and Martha were excellent, and the home visits I've received from Martha were truly, truly helpful. I can't thank all of you enough! Thanks to your financial assistance, I now have two excellent lamps which I'm putting to good use as I read, write, draw, play music, and just enjoy the much improved lighting. I look forward to future home visits, trying out new devices, all while knowing I'm in good hands in a very professional company called The Blind and Visually Impaired Center. [Letter from client]

- Helen Rudnick