00 days
00 hr
00 min
00 sec
Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Tor House


To maintain and preserve Tor House, Hawk Tower and their collections; to promote the literary and philosophical legacy of Robinson Jeffers; and to serve as a cultural resource for the community.

The Big Idea

Given the pandemic’s continued effect on our programs, our Big Idea is to continue and add to the important work we started this year: to build those programs and to go beyond the poetry and life of Robinson Jeffers—the focus of our tours—to the influence Jeffers’s poetry has had in the arts and in ecology, and to his sensitivity to social justice issues. Our priorities will be to increase the number of tour docents; to continue our highly successful Fellow Program which brings artists from all fields to Tor House for inspiration; to develop community programs which focus on art and music at Tor House, on Jeffers’s influence on the arts, his ecological prescience and his sensitivity to the indigenous peoples whose land he lived on, his friendship with Langston Hughes, and his support of the return of the Japanese-Americans who had been interned during the Second World War.

After the inspiring music tour yesterday at Tor House with Melinda and Robert Armstead, I would like to be . . . a member/supporter. I learned so much more about the Jeffers' life and their respect for the beauty and power of nature, as well as their concern for the fragility of the earth. Thank you again for such a life-changing afternoon.

- Meredith Mullins