Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
The mission of the Ventana Wilderness Alliance is to protect, preserve, and restore the wilderness qualities and biodiversity of the public lands within California's northern Santa Lucia Mountains and Big Sur coast.
The Ventana Wilderness Alliance benefits Monterey County residents by working to ensure the Big Sur backcountry thrives, with protections resulting in climate-resilient landscapes, pristine watersheds, and healthy wildlife. Our Stewardship Programs keep trails clear and educate visitors about wildfire prevention and leave-no-trace principles, and our Youth Programs educate and inspire the next generation of Wilderness advocates.
I support the Ventana Wilderness Alliance (VWA) because I believe so strongly about the work they do. They work tirelessly to protect the Big Sur backcountry I love. They do an amazing job with a small staff and a legion of enthusiastic volunteers: trails are maintained, visitors are educated, and camps are cared for. But, my favorite thing: they take students from all over Monterey County on multi-day, life-changing backpacking trips into the Big Sur and Arroyo Seco areas—for free! As a new dad, I feel more obligated than ever to protect special places like Big Sur and the Ventana Wilderness, and I know that my support of VWA is helping make that happen.
- Ben Bruce