Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
Wonder Wood Ranch uses equine therapy to provide hope and healing to trauma-impacted youth in Monterey County, helping them to find purpose and become positive contributors to their community.
“Wonder Wood Ranch is the only place in my life that I feel I can do something good,” says a formerly incarcerated, gang-impacted youth. “The TAILS program is a game-changer for me!” says a student from Central Bay High. “If I had this program when I was 14, I wouldn’t be here (locked up) today,” says a long-incarcerated youth. These are just a few comments from the impactful, life-changing TAILS program at Wonder Wood Ranch. TAILS is an intensive, innovative, multi-layered program that teaches trauma-impacted youth to train and care for rescue horses, under the tutelage of a professional horse trainer. The program goes into schools throughout our county and also provides aftercare for youth being released from incarceration. Our community’s trafficked, abused, homeless, foster, and juvenile justice kids need a real chance to succeed. And that chance is given to them through the TAILS Training & Aftercare program at WWR.
Wonder Wood Ranch is an important resource in our community offering equine therapy and outdoor experiences to the most vulnerable youth in Salinas and across Monterey County. Their services are affordable and delivered with skill, love and care by a family invested in the well-being of their community. As Director of the Community Alliance for Safety and Peace I have trusted Wonder Wood Ranch with the gang impacted youth we work with and have made countless referrals from partner agencies. As Chair of the Juvenile Justice Commission I hear first-hand from Probation staff about how valued their visits into Juvenile Hall and our Youth Center are. There is something very special about the positive impact of horses on our youth and the trauma they carry.
- Jose Arreola