Your interest and support ensured Monterey County Gives! had a record breaking year. Together, we empower our local nonprofit community
to be its best. Thank you!
-The Monterey County Gives! team.
Our mission is to transform the lives of our youth and our communities through the inspiration, discipline and performance of orchestral music.
Our next big idea is the “YOSAL Teaching Fellowship Program”. With support from our generous community, this program will equip local college music students with best-practice teaching skills, mentorship, in-class teaching experience, future career opportunities, and more. To meet the growing demand for music teachers in our school districts and at YOSAL, it is imperative we develop the skills of young musicians and instill in them a passion for education. We currently have over 150 students on our waitlist, and urgently need more teachers in order to accept these and future students into our program.
YOSAL is more than a youth orchestra; we make orchestral music accessible to underserved students and provide a safe, inspirational after-school program. Your support transforms lives, making a lasting community impact. Every contribution stays local, benefiting Monterey County youth and future teachers.
I was born and raised in Salinas and joined YOSAL in the 4th grade, a new after-school program that caught my parents' interest. I was never sporty and didn’t participate in other activities. As a shy kid, being part of an orchestra helped me build friendships and learn to communicate. I was a YOSAL student for 10 years, where I discovered my passion for music. At 11, I received my first instrument, a violin, and fell in love with music. After finishing high school, I worked at YOSAL for about 3 years, starting as a program assistant and eventually teaching the OrcheSTARS! class. During my time there, I observed and shadowed the instructors to learn different teaching styles. This fall, I am headed to a four-year university where I will be studying music education. I truly believe that every student should have an equal opportunity to have a musical education.
- Julianna Ramirez