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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Big Sur Fire


The Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade is a group of community members providing dependable fire and emergency services to all of Big Sur with a spirit of teamwork, respect and integrity.

The Big Idea

As demand for Big Sur Fire’s emergency services continues to grow, general support for our operations is what we need most from YOU. Big Sur Fire is the only all risk emergency response organization south of the Bixby Bridge serving all the way to the Monterey County line. We are continuously called upon to provide essential 911 services for the residents and visitors of this dynamic community. As a non-profit volunteer organization we rely on the generosity and support from individuals, grants, and other fundraising opportunities like MCGives, to keep our operations solvent.

Big Sur Fire is absolutely vital to the Big Sur community. Big Sur Fire volunteer firefighters are first on the scene of most traffic accidents, rescues, structure fires and wildland fires. Trained volunteers scale steep cliffs to rescue people, provide on scene medical attention, and so much more. Nothing is beneath these volunteers. They climb trees to rescue a cat. They show to community events to give our children experience holding a hose under the strong water pressure needed in firefighting. Still, Big Sur Fire volunteers are held to the highest standards required by the state firefighting licensing and trained for exceptional performance. Big Sur Fire is comprised of community volunteers. They’re our friends and neighbors who work and live in Big Sur. They keep their pagers on hand and are ready to respond when it goes off. Big Sur Fire volunteers are irreplaceable and we’re honored to have them.

- MaryAnn Vasconcellos